N7610C Signal Studio for IoT

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N7610C Signal Studio for IoT

– Create Keysight validated and performance-optimized reference signals compliant to IEEE 802.15.4 (for ZigBee), 802.15.4 (SUN FSK and SUN OFDM), LoRa CSS, ITU-T G.9959 (for Z-Wave), and 802.15.4/4z HRP UWB PHY standards

– Support ZigBee 2.4 GHz O-QPSK and BPSK modulation and spreading as defined in IEEE 802.15.4

– Support 802.15.4 mandatory profiles for SUN FSK and SUN OFDM PHY mode, respectively

– Support Z-Wave R1/R2/R3 data rate modes as defined in ITU-T G.9959

– Support LoRa CSS uplink signal creation with impairments

– Support IEEE 802.15.4 and 802.15.4z HRP UWB signal creation with impairments

– Provide signals with full-channel coding, flexible configuration of MAC headers and data types for receiver testing

– Accelerate the signal creation process with a user interface based on parameterized and graphical signal configuration and tree-style navigation

Simplify IoT (Internet of Things) Signal Creation

Keysight Technologies, Inc. Signal Studio software is a flexible suite of signal-creation tools that will reduce the time you spend on signal simulation. For short range communications such as IoT and M2M, Signal Studio’s performance-optimized reference signals - validated by Keysight - enhance the characterization and verification of your devices. Through its application-specific user-interface you’ll create standards-based and custom test signals for component, transmitter, and receiver test. 

Component and transmitter test

Signal Studio’s basic capabilities use waveform playback mode to create and customize waveform files needed to test components and transmitters. Its user-friendly interface lets you configure signal parameters, calculate the resulting waveforms and download files for playback. The applications for these partially coded, statistically correct signals include:  

– Parametric test of components, such as amplifiers and filter

– Performance characterization and verification of RF sub-systems

Receiver test

Signal Studio’s advanced capabilities enable you to create fully channel-coded signals for receiver bit-error-rate (BER), block-error-rate (BLER), packet-error-rate (PER), or frame error rate (FER) analysis. Applications include:  

– Performance verification and functional test of receivers, during RF/baseband integration and system verification

– Coding verification of baseband subsystems, including FPGAs, ASICs, and DSPs

More advanced capabilities operate in real-time mode, which is used to define the parameters of non-repeating and dynamically changing signals needed for receiver testing. A graphical user interface provides a direct instrument connection for parameter transfer and closed-loop or interactive control during signal generation.

Apply your signals in real-world testing

Once you have setup your signals in Signal Studio, you can download them to a variety of Keysight instruments and software platforms. Signal Studio software complements these platforms by providing a cost-effective way to tailor them to your test needs in design, development and production test.

– Vector signal generators

– X-Series: MXG, EXG, and CXG


– ESG1 

– First-generation MXG1 

– M9381A PXIe VSG 

– M9383A PXIe VXG (1 MHz to 44 GHz) 

– M9383B VXG-m Microwave Signal Generator (1 MHz to 44 GHz) 

– M9384B VXG Microwave Signal Generator (1 MHz to 44 GHz) 

– M9410A/M9411A/M9415A PXIe VXT 

– Waveform playback supports 

– E6640A EXM wireless test 

– M9420A/M9421A 

– M8190A arbitrary waveform generator 

– M9336A PXIe AWG 

– P9336A USB AWG