N5531X X-Series Measuring Receiver

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Conditions and Requirements

The Keysight N5531X X-Series measuring receiver offers 2 types of configurations: (1) Primary configuration- A “one-box” solution which is comprised of an N9030B PXA signal analyzer, multi-touch, with the N9091EM0E measuring receiver application, and a U5532C USB sensor module; and (2) Alternative configuration- A combination of an N9030B PXA with the N9091EM0E app, an N191xA EPM or P-Series power meter, and an N5532B sensor module. To achieve the optimal measurement results as specified, the best metrology practice must be applied and the required instrument conditions must be met.

PXA is the core instrument of the N5531X measuring receiver. The PXA instrument conditions stated in the PXA specification guide must be satisfied to meet the N5531X specifications.

Additional conditions required to meet specifications

• The system components are within their calibration cycle

• Tuned RF Level measurement is set to High Accuracy Mode; The measurements need to be complete within a time period of 20 minutes after setting the Reference Level

• Fast Mode is set to Off when performing modulation measurements

• For center frequency < 20 MHz, DC coupling is applied

• At least 2 hours of storage or operation at the operating temperature of 20 to 30 °C

• The PXA has been turned on at least 30 minutes with Auto Align On selected or if Auto Align Off is selected, Align All Now must be run: o Within the last 24 hours, and

o Any time the ambient temperature changes more than 3 °C

o After the analyzer has been at operating temperature at least 2 hours

• For analog modulation measurements, a direct connection between the PXA and the device under test (DUT) is required to achieve the best performance and meet the specifications for all test frequencies

• The following table summarizes PXA option and X-Series application selections under N5531X measuring receiver