데이터 시트
Keysight Technologies
Test Exec SL 8.1
Keysight Technologies, Inc. TestExec SL is a test executive designed for high-volume, high throughput
functional test applications across multiple industries. This robust software empowers test developers
with built-in functions that will ultimately reduce development time and improve throughput.
These powerful functions encompass:
TestExec SL boosts productivity, offers unique advantages for test automation and is unbeaten for
ease of use. With its modular architecture, you can use the high-level tools and powerful features to
accelerate program development and test integration with TestExec
An Integrated Test Development Environment
TestExec SL contains four inter-related tools in a single environment – all ready for you to kick-start your task.
Testplan Editor
The testplan editor allows you to examine and modify the contents of a testplan. In addition to developing tests and assembling them into testplans, this editor provides features for running and debugging testplans.
User Defined Sequence
With the sequence library editor, you can create and edit sequence libraries of your choice – local sequences or sequences libraries executed by a ‘Call’ statement. These user-defined sequences promote code reusability, allow better structuring and viewing of testplans and are especially useful when dealing with large size of testplans and/or multiple test developers.
Action Definition Editor
This is the main tool used for developing actions, the fundamental building blocks for creating tests. You have the choice of using the library of actions that comes with TestExec SL or you can program your own action code by using a variety of supported languages – C/C++, Keysight VEE and NI LabView
Topology Editor
The topology editor is used to define switchable connections and wirings located in a fixture used with TestExec SL. This makes TestExec SL aware of the hardware modules available as resources during testing.
Intelligent Architecture
TestExec SL links to other test systems and supports multiple applications to create a cohesive,
efficient environment for global manufacturing.
Keysight VEE Pro, NI LabView and LabWindows/CVI.
Library Reuse
TestExec SL’s architecture provides standard platform for creating, modifying and enhancing measurement routines for future reuse. Unlike traditional test routines, which may be incorporated into a single, large program. TestExec SL uses a modular approach that is easy to modify and maintain. Another benefit of TestExec SL is that it provides tools for administering the measurement routines library. You can easily define, search and modify the characteristics of measurement routines in the registration library, where those routines are accessible by other users as well. This reusability of measurements and libraries based on TestExec SL.
Switch Manager
Connections between various instruments and the unit under test (UUT) are not permanently
“hard wired” but are controlled programmatically via “switching” to effectively utilize the
resources. TestExec SL simplifies the switching programming through powerful Switch Manager features.
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