데이터 시트
The Keysight E8267D is a fully synthesized signal generator with high output power, low phase noise, and I/Q modulation capability.
Specifications apply over a 0 to 55 °C range, unless otherwise stated, and apply after a 45 minute warm-up time. With vector modulation on, specifications apply after executing I/Q calibration with the instrument maintained within ± 5 °C of the calibration temperature unless otherwise stated. Supplemental characteristics, denoted as typical, nominal, or measured, provide additional (non-warranted) information at 25 °C, which may be useful in the application of the product.
Unless otherwise noted, this data sheet applies to units with serial numbers ending with 50420000 or greater.
Specifications (spec): Represents warranted performance for instruments with a current calibration.
Typical (typ): Represents characteristic performance which is non-warranted. Describes performance that will be met by a minimum of 80% of all products.
Nominal (nom): Represents characteristic performance which is non-warrante. Represents the value of a parameter that is most likely to occur; the expected mean or mode of all instruments at room temperature (approximately 25 °C).
Measured: Represents characteristic performance which is non-warranted. Represents the value of a parameter measured on an instrument during design verification.
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