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E8717A LIDAR Target Simulator

데이터 시트

Accelerating Deployment with Minimal Space


The Keysight E8717A Lidar Target Simulator provides simulated targets in distance with reflectivity and a host of proven features focused on providing valuable insights into lidar sensors. At one time, corner reflectors were used for radars and slowly being replaced by radar target simulators. The time is now for a lidar target simulator to address in-place of target boards and real-world objects for test.


Optimize Your Test Space Through Target Simulation


Utilizing target boards require large floor space for lidar range test. Consider these simple test setups, one done outdoors to achieve a longer target distance, and another done indoors. As lidar demand reaches a critical point, manufacturing automation, and space optimization will become imperatives.


With a LIDAR Target Simulator (LTS), target distances would be adjustable with a click of a button. This would also include simulating a wide range of reflectivity with additional features to provide valuable insights into the lidar sensors. And the setup should be kept compact, preferably a bench type setup, keeping the usage of space at a minimal while maximizing on the test coverage. Keysight is applying years of expertise in photonics and target simulation to introduce such an LTS for the future of lidar test needs.


At the heart of Keysight E8717A LIDAR target simulator is the LTS base unit, receiving the lidar sensor signal via the remote optical head. The base unit adds delay and attenuation to simulate desired target distance and reflectivity respectively and returns the signal back to the sensor.


A cobot is used to position the LIDAR sensor to cover the desired field-of-view (FOV) to be received by the stationary remote optical head. This combination and the unique remote optical head design makes it compatible to all time-of-flight lidar sensors, be it solid state or mechanical rotating.


Visualize and Analyze LIDAR Data


Accelerate your deployment and reduce time on developing and maintaining software to visualize and analyze your lidar sensors. Take a deep dive into the lidar’s performance with the following innovative software available with the LTS:  


• PathWave LIDAR Visualization Engine

-       PCAP recording and playback 

-       Visualization of PCAP

• PathWave LIDAR Analytics

-       Statistical analysis: Distance sweep and Reflectivity sweep

-       Point cloud analysis: Probability of Detection, Histogram, Box plot, Frame level analysis


Specifications and Features


Test and functionality

Wavelength 1

905 nm

Distance simulation / Step

3 m to 300 m / 1m

Distance accuracy

5 cm

Distance sweep

3 m to 300 m in 1m step

Reflectivity simulation

10% to 94% 2 3

Reflectivity sweep

10% to 94% (step size dependent on lidar)

Attenuation range / step

0 - 30 dB / 0.25 dB minimum step size

Field of view (realtime)

Lidar dependent

Field of view (with cobot)

 ± 35 deg (vertical / elevation)

360 deg (horizontal / azimuth)

Supported DUT Lens configuration

Dual and single lens

Physical and electrical specifications


Base system dimension (L x W x H)

600mm x 222mm x 431mm

Cobot assembly base and optical remote head dimension (L x W x H)

680mm x 550mm x 616mm

Base system weight

22 kg

Cobot assembly base and optical remote head weight

53 kg

Physical and electrical specifications


Base system

100-240V with 50/60Hz, 500VA Max

Cobot assembly

100-240V with 50/60Hz, 1000VA Max

Cobot specifications (optional)


Supported lidar Size (L x W x H) 

165mm x 165mm x 140mm

Payload Weight

Max. 3.0 kg including lidar fixture 4