U9361 RCal Receiver Calibrator

기술 개요



Move the reference plane to the device under test


As bandwidths grow wider and frequencies soar to millimeter wave and beyond, small margins for error on wideband measurements force RF engineers to look for new ways to reduce linear errors. Correcting for magnitude and phase errors in the measurement setup allows you to get the most out of your measurement and see the real performance of your device. A new paradigm in signal analyzer calibration, U9361 RCal receiver calibrators bring accuracy, efficiency and value to calibration of your test receiver system by allowing you to move the reference plane to the device under test (DUT).


Even short cables can cause tremendous losses at millimeter-wave frequencies. RCal allows you to correct for these cable losses and accurately measure power at the DUT reference plane. Generate flatness corrections in both magnitude and phase up to 5 GHz IF bandwidths.


Keep your test setup efficient with the palm-sized, USB-powered and controlled U9361 RCal receiver calibrator. Drastically reduce the effort and complexity required to calibrate your test receiver system. Minimize the linear errors of the test receiver system using the ultra-stable reference and repeatable results, with precision factory calibration data.


The U9361 RCal receiver calibrator allows you to correct absolute power accuracy, magnitude flatness, and phase flatness with a single device. RCal receiver calibrator eliminates the need for multiple pieces of equipment to calibrate your signal analyzer measurement system.


Key Features


• Improve your test Rx system accuracy by an order of magnitude

• Seamlessly move reference plane to the output of the DUT with easy-to-use, simple command structure and automation

• Models to 110 GHz

• Compact, palm-size, USB-powered and controlled

• Ultra-stable and repeatable, with precision factory cal data inside

• Both magnitude and phase corrections with tunable, BPSK comb modulation

• US Patent for BPSK modulation calibrator




Definitions and conditions


Specification (spec): The warranted performance of a calibrated instrument that has been stored for a minimum of 2 hours within the operating temperature range of 0 to 40 °C and after a 60-minute warm up period. Specifications include measurement uncertainty. Data represented in this document are specifications unless otherwise noted.


Typical (typ): The characteristic performance, which 80% or more of manufactured instruments will exhibit with a 95% confidence level. This data is not warranted, does not include measurement uncertainty, and is valid only at room temperature (approximately 23 °C).


Nominal (nom): The expected mean or average characteristic performance, or the value of an attribute that is determined by design such as a connector type, physical dimension, or operating speed. This data is not warranted and is valid only at room temperature (approximately 23 °C).