F9650A Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) Chamber

데이터 시트



The Keysight F9650A Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) chamber fulfills the 5G FR2 RF and RRM one Angle of Arrival (AoA) test demands for design and verification as per 3GPP, and device acceptance as per certification bodies like GCF, PTCRB, and CTIA. It also provides a measurement environment for characterizing wireless and antenna system performance of 5G devices, at millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies.




The Keysight F9650A Over-The-Air (OTA) Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) chamber provides a measurement environment for characterizing wireless and antenna system performance of devices at millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies. Use the chamber with Keysight test and measurement equipment in a range of applications including device R&D and 3GPP / CTIA conformance tests.


Key Features

The key features of Keysight F9650A CATR are:


• Compact antenna test range (CATR)

-       Shielded anechoic chamber

-       Rolled-edge parabolic reflector

-       Dual polarized feed horn assembly with roll motor

-       Roll-over-azimuth DUT positioner

• Controller for feed and device under test (DUT) positioners with triggered data acquisition capability

• Probe feed options for in-band and spurious test frequency ranges

• Calibration kits for chamber validation and calibration

• LED lighting

• USB camera

• Crosshair laser guide for DUT alignment

• Chamber control software

• 3GPP FR1 and/or FR2 link antenna options

• Optional DUT and Phantom mounting fixtures

• Optional extreme temperature condition (ETC) testing

• Optional RF/RRM DVT and Conformance Toolset

• Optional Antenna Measurement Toolset


Supported Use Cases

Keysight F9650A CATR supports, for example, the following use cases:


• Antenna characterization  

• Signaling and non-signaling device characterization 

• Used with Keysight S8705A RF/RRM DVT & Conformance Toolset for devices:

-        RF & RRM design and verification test

-        RF conformance test, in-band and spurious

-        RF demodulation

-        Radio resource management (RRM) one angle of arrival (AoA)

-        RF regulatory test, in-band and spurious

• Used with Keysight S8707A RF/RRM Carrier Acceptance Toolset for devices

• RF testing under extreme temperature condition (ETC)

• Used with S7601A Antenna Measurement Toolset

-        F7601001A Antenna Pattern Measurement