Application Notes
In RF testing, an essential attribute of every signal generator is the maximum output power it can supply to a device under test (DUT). To ensure valid measurement results, it must be capable of maintaining spectral purity and level accuracy while delivering output power of +25 dBm or more. Delivering a pure, accurate signal at those levels not only ensures improved measurement accuracy but also enables testing with greater dynamic range and at extreme or unusual operating conditions.
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. E8257D PSG analog signal generator delivers those capabilities when equipped with its ultra-high output power option (Option 521, 10 MHz to 20 GHz). In that coniguration, the PSG ensures measurement accuracy by addressing three key areas: spectral purity, impedance matching and automatic level control (ALC). ALC in particular plays a key role in correcting for mismatches and frequencyresponse variations, ensuring level accuracy that provides meaningful test results.
This application note describes both the inner workings of the PSG with Option 521 and the applications of its high-power output signals. With Option 521 installed, the PSG can help you simplify the testing of high-power ampliiers, overcome losses within automated test equipment (ATE) systems, and address the attenuation of signals within long cable runs. Ultimately, the beneits of using the PSG with Option 521 include reduced cost, size and weight of the resulting test coniguration or test system.
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