Signals Can Run, But They Can’t Hide
Design and troubleshooting tasks can be very difficult when dealing with fast moving, elusive signals, and the challenges grow when these signals exist in complex multi-signal environments.
Drawbacks associated with traditional interference analysis methods can make field troubleshooting more difficult than ever.
There are two challenges to detecting interference: one is that interference is much more bursty than in the past, and the other is that interference signals may be occurring during a spectrum analyzer’s background processing time (i.e., dead time).
A new tool that eliminates dead time is necessary to detect the most challenging signals; introducing real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA).
With Keysight FieldFox handheld analyzers with real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA) up to 50 GHz, you can now confidently capture every interfering signal in real time with one integrated, lightweight unit. FieldFox with RTSA empowers you to detect, locate and mitigate interference issues.
Keysight FieldFox handheld microwave analyzers were designed for engineers and technicians performing interference hunting and signal monitoring specifically in surveillance and secure communications, radar, electronic warfare (EW) and commercial wireless markets.
FieldFox Provides Gap-free Real-time Spectrum Analysis
With basic spectrum analysis it can be difficult to see all signals in a complex signal environment. FieldFox’s real-time analyzer mode with density and spectrogram displays provides a fast and insight-producing view of dynamic and agile signals.
The density display is very data-dense and quite dynamic, updating about 50 times per second and with adjustable persistence to fade the older data. With an FFT rate of almost 120,000 per second and FFT overlapping, each display update represents about 2,500 spectra of gap-free data capture.
The result is that you can see subtle details such as signals inside other signals, and signals near the analyzer noise floor, even when such signals are small and infrequent.
The RTSA density display clearly shows the Bluetooth® and WiFi signals, and you can quickly distinguish that the signals coexist over the same frequency span. In contrast, with traditional swept SA mode the envelope of the WiFi signal is visible on the trace. However, the frequency hopping Bluetooth signals cannot be distinguished.
FieldFox’s real-time spectrogram display provides even more insight into the nature of the signal environment. The additional dimension of time on the y-axis lets you see pulse patterns, pulse repetition intervals and other types of intermittent signals.
Ordering Information
At only 7.1 lb, Keysight’s FieldFox can be configured as an all-in-one cable and antenna tester (CAT) + vector network analyzer (VNA) + spectrum analyzer + RTSA and more. This means you can forget about carrying separate devices for every function you need. Go out there, get the job done in real time, and carry the precision of one.
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