Data Sheets
One Secured Access to All
With new EdTech being introduced almost every day and courses built towards career-focused learning and student-centric blended learning, educational institutes must rapidly transform to keep pace with this megatrend. However, this means that educators may be required to spend more resources on maintaining or managing these assets from different providers.
SR101EDUA offers a solution and a convenient way to make the switch to online learning and manage all engineering lab resources easily. It is a digital learning suite for both educators and students to access industry-relevant learning resources through a secure web interface. This unique digital learning suite transforms the learning experience by providing remote access and control to engineering lab resources as well as tools to visualize, compare, and analyze measurement data. It accelerates lab project completion time by up to 10x and increases up to 3x more lab resource utilization.
SR101EDUA is also able to enrich the learning experience with self-paced learning resources that can accelerate student development and help students explore adjacent fields for a holistic learning journey. Hands-on lab collaborative tools allow both educators and students to work together, learn, and build a lasting knowledge foundation. The digital learning experience starts here.
Streamlined Teaching Workflow
LMS integration
• With a built-in Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) feature, you can easily plug and play the whole DLS solution into your LMS.
• DLS uses LTI Advantage Name and Roles Provisioning to authenticate users.
• DLS also uses the LTI Advantage Deep Linking allowing educators to easily integrate content from DLS into existing LMS courses.
DLS is certified with LTI compliance, allowing for seamless integration with the university LMS and providing easy access to a holistic end-to-end education journey from anywhere at any time via a secure SSO web interface. Visit to find out more.
Web-based (with SSO and LTI). DLS is on-premises software that is typically installed on a server or a virtual machine. Users authorization and authentication can be made in 3 ways:
1. Single-Sign-On
2. Learning Tool Interoperability
3. Manual Registration and Sign In
Floating (based on concurrent users).
Licenses are hosted and managed in the same server where the DLS is installed
Lab management
• Remote Lab Bench Management
• Bench Grouping and User-access Levels
• Multi-User Remote Access (Up to 5 concurrent users can remotely access a lab bench to work on projects remotely.)
• Chatroom features available
• File Transfer feature available
• Lab Scheduler
• Data Storage in Server
Lab Managers can add new and group benches for users to access remotely. Access levels can be set to enable or disable a group of students in accessing the bench and instruments remotely for collaboration.
DLS simplifies teaching in laboratories with multiple test benches. The Lab Management tab allows educators to have custom bench arrangements to configure lab layouts, number of benches, type, and number of instruments, and to name the benches accordingly to mimic the actual lab physical bench positions.
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