D9111BDLP / D9120BDLP Protocol Trigger and Decode Bundles

Data Sheets



These software packages for Infiniium oscilloscopes gives you the ability to trigger and decode on dozens of signals, simplifying your configuration and providing massive savings.


Product Overview


Serial buses are pervasive in today’s digital designs and are used for a variety of purposes, including chip-to-chip communication, CPU to peripheral control, as well as for remote sensor data transfer and control. Without intelligent oscilloscope serial bus triggering and protocol decode, it can be difficult to debug these buses and correlate data transfers with other mixed signal interactions in your system.


The D9111BDLP Basic Protocol Decode Bundle is designed for the Infiniium S-Series and MXR-Series families, and bundles protocol triggering and decodes from five packages. The D9120BDLP Complete Protocol Decode Bundle is designed for Infiniium V-Series, Z-Series, and UXR-Series families, and bundles every available protocol trigger and decode available.


What is included


Keysight is constantly enhancing our protocol trigger and decode packages, so please refer to the data sheet for a specific package for more details. Additionally, each protocol has specific requirements for the minimum bandwidth it will run on, as well as recommended probes, accessories, and test fixtures. All of this information is contained on the datasheets for the package they belong to, located at Keysight.com.


Finally, please note that D9111BDLP and D9120BDLP are only offered as a perpetual, node-locked license. This means it cannot be shared between different oscilloscopes. If this is required, please purchase the separate packages noted below, which are available in all different types and terms. See the Ordering Information section for more information.


Flexible software licenses


Keysight offers a variety of flexible licensing options to fit your needs and budget. Choose your license term, and license type.


License terms


Perpetual – Perpetual licenses can be used indefinitely.


Subscription – Subscription licenses can be used through the term of the license only (6, 12, 24, or 36 months).


License types


Node-locked – License can be used on one specified instrument/computer.


Transportable – License can be used on one instrument/computer at a time but may be transferred to another using Keysight Software Manager (internet connection required).


USB Portable – License can be used on one instrument/computer at a time but may be transferred to another using a certified USB dongle (available for additional purchase with Keysight part number E8900-D10).


Floating (single site) – Networked instruments/computers can access a license from a server one at a time. Multiple licenses can be purchased for concurrent usage.


Selecting your license


Step 1. Choose your software product (e.g. D9111BDLP)


Step 2. Choose your license term: perpetual or time-based.


Step 3. Choose your license type: node-locked, transportable, USB portable, or floating.


To ensure you continue to receive all the latest software updates and enhancements on your MXR and UXR-Series scopes, make sure your core software subscription is current.