How to Load Test with App Scalability Testing

Eggplant Performance Software
+ Eggplant Performance Software

Testing production application and website scalability

Testing production website scalability and reliability requires synthetic traffic generation emulating real-world application workflows. Scalability testing should include testing with diverse network protocols, mixed application traffic, and testing across and within all boundaries of complex, interconnected systems.

To avoid downtime under peak loads, a synthetic traffic generation system must accurately measure and analyze thousands of concurrent user journeys to verify website and app performance under real-world loads.

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Application and website scalability test solution

Testing application and website scalability requires generating traffic and measuring performance under varying usage patterns, loads, and volumes of user concurrency. By autogenerating test scripts that uniquely simulate virtual users at the application’s user interface (UI) and network protocol levels, Eggplant Performance measures the application’s performance and user experience on any platform, in any location, at scale. Eggplant Performance uniquely simulates virtual users at the application UI layer and emulates network protocols to accurately measure application performance and user experience.

See demo of UX performance measurement at scale

Explore products and features in our app scalability test solution

Any platform

Ensure applications, website, and digital services function across all browsers, operating systems, and devices.

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Test and release insights

Understand how a website performs in terms of conversion, bounce rate, user engagement, and revenue.

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API evaluation

Ensure the reliability and accuracy of website back-end operations, preventing errors that could lead to lost revenue.

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Related use cases

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