
Perform Essential Signal Integrity and Material Measurements on Passive Devices

The Keysight PNA-L network analyzers help you with your general-purpose network analysis needs. The PNA-L network analyzers give you efficiency and flexibility in both manufacturing and R&D applications. The PNA-L VNA covers various industries ranging from mobile telecommunications, wireless LAN component production, and aerospace and defense. The PNA-L network analyzers balance value and performance using the Keysight PNA network analyzer's core firmware.

  • Perform basic analysis of passive components and simple active devices
  • Measure S-parameters with accuracy up to 50 GHz
  • Evaluate mixed-mode S-parameter measurements without the limitations of using baluns
  • Accelerate insight into component behavior using a multi-touch display and intuitive user interface
  • Form a complete on-wafer measurement system with simple probe station integration
  • Get direct receiver access via a configurable test set

Optimize on-wafer measurements

Highly integrated devices require more measurements with fewer connections. Working with fewer connections presents a challenge when full device characterization requires multiple instruments. Significantly reduce your wafer test times with a flexible single-connection, multiple-measurement (SCCM) network analyzer.

On-wafer test

Key Specifications

Frequency Range

300 kHz to 20 GHz

10 MHz to 50 GHz

Dynamic Range

122 dB to 133 dB

Output Power

6 dBm to 13 dBm

Trace Noise

0.003 dB RMS

Built-In Ports

2 or 4 ports

Best 201 Point Sweep Time

6 ms

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PNA-L network analyzer software

PNA-L Software

Network analyzer software tools enable you to investigate, characterize, and troubleshoot your designs in a variety of measurement applications. The PNA-L supports several software applications that give you a deeper look at your devices, including physical layer test software (PLTS), materials measurements, time domain, spectrum analysis, and more. 

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