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NX5402A Silicon Photonics Wafer Test System
One-stop, fully automated and volume production-ready Silicon Photonics wafer test solution with guaranteed system performance
Starting from
- One-stop integrated solution with optical/electrical test capabilities for fully-automated wafer prober
- Automated one pass testing for complex and massive optical and electrical measurements
- Volume production-ready with SECS/GEM Factory Automation, safety interlock, and clean room-ready features
- High throughput testing by optimized fiber alignment and multi-channel optical/electrical test architecture
- Guaranteed system performance by Keysight's Advanced Wafer-Level Photonic Calibration
- Dedicated support model enabling high system availability for production
- Keysight-developed Fiber Alignment and Positioning System
- Leading-edge PathWave Semiconductor Test software integrating Keysight SPECS
- Reliable performance monitoring by Build-in Automatic System Diagnostics
- Automated Multi-Recipe Execution software enabling multiple recipes to run in batch mode
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