The DS1201A Passive Current Probe​ measures the power consumption of embedded devices, such as system-on-chip devices and FPGAs, during side channel analysis.


Measuring the power consumption of embedded technology to perform side channel analysis adds specific challenges to the measurement setup. Power lines on embedded devices are generally noisier, signals travel at a higher speed, and form factors are highly variable as compared to for example smart cards. Take on the challenge of performing side channel analysis on embedded devices, such as system-on-chip (SoC) devices and field programmable gate arrays (FPGA), with our DS1201A Passive Current Probe.

  • Probe bandwidth 1 MHz 1 GHz
  • Probe impedance 60 m + 10 H for f < 200 kHz
  • Probe sensitivity with and 25 mV/mA without amplifier (into 50 impedance)
  • Signal output with 50 impedance
  • Built-in Tektronix CT1 current probe
  • Frequency range: 0.1–2,500 MHz
  • Gain at 500 MHz: 25 dB
  • Noise figure at 500 MHz: 2.4 dB
  • DC Power: 12 volts
  • SMA Connector

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