Test your device’s resistance to clock glitching attacks with the DS1150A Clock Glitcher, which includes two internal clock generators.


Test your device’s resistance to modified clock signal attacks. Clock glitching is a technique where the supplied clock of a target device is temporarily modified to different clock cycles, causing the behavior of the device to deviate from its normal behavior. This deviation can lead to vulnerabilities and exploits.

The DS1150A Clock Glitcher operates by supplying the normal clock signal as well as the modified clock signal to the target device, enabling you to test if your devices are resistant to attackers that use modified clock signals to compromise their security.

  • Includes two internal clock generators that can be configured independently
  • Switch between the normal clock and the glitch clock based on a trigger signal
  • Clock signal between 1 KHz and 300 MHz; voltage level between -1 V and +4 V
  • Glitch clock has three clock modes: configurable digital output, random digital output, and random analog output
  • Flexible analog frontend allows easy interfacing with various target types
  • Reference signal measures the generated clock signal
  • Includes Piñata target with the clock signal exposed

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