The DS1140A 1.5 A Glitch Amplifier is used to generate and measure glitches, testing for fault injections and side channel attacks on embedded devices.


The 1.5 A Glitch Amplifier is designed to make your fault injection tests applicable to a wide range of embedded targets. Easily connect the 1.5 A Glitch Amplifier to the Spider or VC Glitcher to produce sharp and accurate glitches on the target and to an oscilloscope to measure and view the glitches that you generate.

Designed to drive the input pin of an embedded processor, the 1.5 A Glitch Amplifier has virtually 0 Ω output impedance. The DS1140A can operate as a single power supply between 0 and 4 volts (V). This voltage is set in Inspector and controlled via the Spider or VC Glitcher.

The 1.5 A Glitch Amplifier has an amplification factor of two. For example, when setting a continuous voltage level of 2 V and a glitch peak voltage of 3 V, the voltage levels between the Spider or VC Glitcher and the 1.5 A Glitch Amplifier are 1 and 1.5 V, respectively. Consequently, the voltage levels between DS1140A and an embedded processor are respectively 2 and 3 V.

  • Increased glitch success rate due to sharper glitches
  • Integrated current and power monitor
  • Amplifies glitches produced by the Spider or VC Glitcher up to 1.5 A peak-to-peak
  • Allows glitching embedded devices such as FPGAs and SOCs
  • Easy connection to your target via one of the three output connectors that Glitch Amplifier II offers
  • Easy to position closely above your target
  • Includes Glitch Amplifier Needle
  • Optional 3D positioner (for Glitch Amplifier Needle)
  • Can be used in combination with EM probe station baseplate. Glitch Amplifier II exactly fits the baseplate’s grid.

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