The DS1112A is a 1064 nm wavelength near infrared (NIR) multimode diode laser for fault injection, with a high power rating and configurable pulse length.


The DS1112A 1064 nm Multimode Fault Injection Laser uses multimode laser diodes with a high power rating, enabling coarse chip surface scanning with large spot size and sufficient intensity within spot.

  • 1064 nm wavelength NIR laser
  • Laser pulse power: 30 W
  • Configurable pulse length as small as 2 ns
  • High pulse frequency allows multi-pulse fault injection attacks
  • Short delay between trigger pulse and actual light pulse in combination with minimal jitter allows for accurate laser pulse timing
  • Wide range of spot size: Choose from coarse to detailed chip surface scanning with objectives and spot size reducer
  • Long-life laser diode with minimal aging
  • Integrates with Keysight products DS1101A, DS1102A, DS1160A, and DS1180A

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