Mount an InGaAs camera to the DS1101A Fault Injection Laser System to identify areas that vulnerable to fault injection attacks.


The DS1105A InGaAs Camera Mount is an adapter for mounting an InGaAs camera to the DS1101A Fault Injection Laser System, enabling the creation of photon emission images. These images will highlight active areas of the chip while in operation, helping to precisely identify areas that are vulnerable to fault injection attacks.

  • C-mount adapter for camera
  • Works with cameras weighing less than 500 g
  • With adapter, field of view is about 3.8 mm x 3.1 mm with a 5X objective
  • Includes 1200nm diode ring light
  • Usable spectral range: T > 86 % at 1000 – 1300 nm, T > 65 % at 900 – 1400 nm

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