S5040A Open RAN Studio Player and Capture Appliance

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Hardware platform for O-RU conformance test and  design validation with Open RAN Studio


The S5040A Appliance is an instrument grade, test and measurement appliance, designed to operate with Keysight’s PathWave Signal Studio and Open RAN Studio to emulate a Distributed Unit (O-DU), which is used to capture O-RAN uplink communications and perform the measurements necessary to validate the functional operation and performance of a Radio Unit (O-RU).


The S5040A Appliance incorporates UltraScale FPGA hardware to accelerate five powerful tools to construct, play, capture, measure, and extract IQ vectors for split option 7.2x O-RAN traffic.


Open RAN Studio for 5G O-RAN Radio Unit  (O-RU) Testing


The S5040A Appliance, along with Open RAN Studio software suite, provides a test environment that integrates with Keysight tools, in both RF and protocol domains, to completely exercise an O-RAN CUS compliant O-RU. The S5040A Appliance, with Open RAN Studio, emulates an O-DU and generates test vectors for an O-RU. Bidirectional eCPRI messages that flow between the O-DU and O-RU over the ORAN interface can be captured and analyzed.


Timestamps, decode and visualization of O-RAN protocol information is provided using the Open RAN Studio software.


Open RAN Studio also integrates with Keysight RF tools such as signal generators and signal analyzers, along with PathWave Signal Generation software and PathWave VSA Analysis software, to completely exercise the O-RU.  


To ensure measurement consistency between both RF and baseband sides of the O-RU, Open RAN Studio software leverages the same 5G signal generation and measurement science used in Keysight spectrum analyzers and signal sources.  This tight coupling ensures CU-Plane messages and baseband information match exactly with the signals captured on the RF side of the O-RU.