Data Sheets
Millimeter-wave over-the-air measurement chamber
The Keysight F9660A 3D Multi-Probe Anechoic Chamber (MPAC) is a shielded anechoic chamber for testing RRM 2 AoA with 6 probes or NR MIMO Performance with a choice of 2, 6 or 8 probes.
Keysight 5G 3D MPAC OTA Test Bed is a multiprobe anechoic chamber for 5G device testing. 3D MPAC supports up to 36 RF heads that are connected to a set of dual-polarized feed antennas arranged on azimuth and elevation arcs to simulate variable angles of arrivals or multiple beams for different test needs. The device-under-test (DUT) is placed in a software-controlled positioner, capable of providing full spherical coverage.
Key Features
The key features of Keysight 3D MPAC OTA Test Bed are:
• Direct Far Field, Frequency Range 2
• Fully shielded and filtered with extensive connectivity
• Low path loss
• Lightweight chamber with small footprint
• Modular structure for easier transportation and installation
• Laser-guided crosshair for accurate DUT placement
• Camera and interior lighting for monitoring operation
• Effective cooling through forced air ventilation
• Software to provide positioner control, chamber calibration, and coordinate system mapping
Supported Use Cases
Keysight 3D MPAC OTA Test Bed supports, for example, the following use cases:
• MIMO OTA testing
• Dynamic Beam Management testing
• Radio Resource Management testing (multiple AoAs)
• Software protocol testing with various antenna configurations
• RF module testing
• Antenna testing (white box testing)
• Wireless cable connection (black box testing)
• Protocol / Demodulation / RRM (black box testing)
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