How to Scale Application Performance Monitoring

Eggplant Monitoring Software
+ Eggplant Monitoring Software

Optimizing customer experience with application performance monitoring

Effective application performance monitoring (APM) requires real-time monitoring and analysis of the application or website to capture key performance metrics, both on the server and client side. To measure application performance automatically and ensure software performance optimization, the APM tool should emulate various environmental conditions to validate end-user experience and map user journeys.

In highly regulated industries, effective performance monitoring solutions must ensure software performance optimization and provide performance insights while maintaining the integrity of protected or sensitive applications and customer data. Successful performance monitoring solutions must assess every accessible system, page, or function to ensure complete reliability of the website or application.

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Automated application performance monitoring solution

Measuring application performance requires emulating application traffic and attributes of client devices to characterize performance across a wide range of scenarios. Eggplant Monitoring emulates application traffic and mobile device screen resolution, upload and download behavior, and network latency across multiple environments. Reports and alerts can be sent via Short Message Service, email, eXtensible Markup Language, or RSS feeds. With the Eggplant AI-powered application performance monitoring, issues are detected and diagnosed using synthetic traffic, alerting you before application performance issues impact end users or cause service disruptions.

Explore products and features in our application performance monitoring

Intelligent computer vision

Leverage an AI-driven test search engine, built for user-experience monitoring with optical character recognition, to identify image text.

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Any platform

Monitor reliability of service in real time with accurate and consistent results for both client and server-side applications.

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Test and release insights

Use Eggplant Real Customer Insights to identify website performance related to conversion, bounce rate, and availability.

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