How to Benchmark 5G Devices

5G Wireless Test Platform
+ 5G Wireless Test Platform

Emulating real-world conditions to test 5G devices

To benchmark its performance, a 5G device must be subjected to a wide range of network cell configuration and radio channel conditions. Most mandated test plans cover just some of the network configurations and parameters a device will encounter in the real world using simplified RF propagation and interference conditions. The emulation of real-world signal propagation and 5G base stations is needed to evaluate accurately how the device performs in the field.

The emulation enables the 5G device to be tested against repeatable and realistic mobility scenarios. Adding real-world logs from production networks into the testing workflow ensures testing reflects the actual user experience. To stress the device and verify its performance in demanding conditions, use field-measured geometrical channel models, high-capacity fading options, and network cell configurations that replicate specific operator network capabilities.

5G virtual drive test toolset

5G device benchmarking solution

Benchmark 5G device performance by emulating various network and channel conditions that reflect the user experience. The Keysight 5G Virtual Drive Test Toolset is a lab test environment that uses real-world field conditions to verify 5G device performance. Featuring real-world radio channel conditions, the solution recreates a realistic test environment to verify 5G device performance under various mobility scenarios.

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