
Run CCS Test Cases for Conformance and Interoperability Testing

The electric vehicle (EV) charging process involves a complex communication protocol to negotiate charging parameters. Many interoperability issues between the EV and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) are related to communication errors resulting in charging failures.

The Keysight SL1471A TTCN-3 Charging Communication Test Automation Software (CCT) provides test case packages for conformance and interoperability testing for Combined Charging System (CCS) communication based on the test implementation language Testing and Test Control Notation version 3 (TTCN-3). Prepare for certification and type approval tests with the CCT and the test case packages.

  • Accelerate conformance and interoperability testing for CCS with an extensive test case library (including error test cases)
  • Validate your system under test, standard compliance, and certification
  • Perform test suites according to DIN 70122, CharIN test cases for DIN 70121 Impl. Guide, DIN 70121 IOP, ISO 15118-4/-5, and ISO 15118-2/-3 IOP

Tailored to Your Test Requirements

Verifying protocol conformance is essential before developing interoperable EV charging equipment.

Enhance the quality of EV / EVSE implementations during the development cycle of your device under test (DUT). In combination with the Keysight SL1550A EV - EVSE Communication Interface Tester (Com Tester), perform conformance and interoperability testing with test suites, covering different CCS standards. In addition, intentional testing with error test cases and fault injection helps proactively assess system resilience, uncover vulnerabilities, and enhance overall reliability and performance.

Extend your testing capabilities (e.g. to test with power flow) with additional Keysight charging test solutions in your test setup.

SL1471A Collection image - SL1040A - SL1047A - SL1550A

Further Reading

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