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M9393A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer, 9 kHz - 27 GHz / 3.6 - 50 GHz
Acquire the performance edge in PXI
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Vector Signal Analysis in PXI
The M9393A vector signal analyzer (VSA) is the realization of Keysight's microwave measurement expertise in a PXI form factor. The M9393A integrates core signal analysis capabilities with hardware speed and accuracy, enabling you to tailor your system to fit specific requirements.
- Extend frequency to 50 GHz (minimum frequency of 3.6 GHz) with Option FRX
- Quickly characterize spurs and harmonics with hardware and software optimized for speed
- Access common signal analysis measurements and standards compliance with PathWave X-Series measurement applications
- Accelerate test with low latency, high throughput PXIe architecture
- Perform high-speed, hardware accelerated power, spectrum, and IQ measurements
- Gain insight with advanced analysis of more than 75 signal formats, with the PathWave Vector Signal Analysis (89600 VSA) software
Ensure Success at Microwave Frequencies, Today and Tomorrow
The M9393A vector signal analyzer helps you adapt to changing test needs with license key upgrade options and hardware designed for extensibility. The M9393A also meets stringent system requirements and offers microwave performance previously unseen in modular systems.
- Quickly test to tighter tolerances with switching speed and amplitude accuracy
- Get consistent, accurate results faster with optimized software elements that minimize development time and reduce risk
- Integrate core signal-analysis capabilities with hardware speed and accuracy
- Rely on unmatched support based on Keysight’s N7800A calibration and adjustment software for TME self-maintainers
![M9391A Hardware](/content/dam/keysight/en/img/prd/scopes-analyzers-meters/spectrumanalyzers/modular-spectrum-analyzers/M9393A-front-right-dropshadow.png)
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![M9393A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer](/content/dam/keysight/en/img/prd/scopes-analyzers-meters/spectrumanalyzers/modular-spectrum-analyzers/M9393A-FRONTLEFT-TRANS-SHAD-8_2015July28.png)
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