Technical Overviews
Survey the 5G air interface with an integrated, portable solution
Driving technologies behind 5G networks include wider bandwidths, millimeter wave frequencies, as well as massive MIMO and beamforming control and data channels. MIMO leverages multipath transmission in urban environments and beamforming systems that focus energy transmissions to optimally target specific users. This reduces base station power consumption and enables very high signal-to-noise links necessary to overcome millimeter wave channel losses. These advanced technologies dramatically increase the complexity of the radio access network (RAN).
5G operators and network equipment manufacturers will need new over-the-air test tools for network and user equipment (UE) field test, as well as optimization tools to deploy and verify the performance of these networks. Keysight’s FieldFox handheld microwave analyzer combined with a phased array antenna provides a unique, portable solution for measuring and analyzing the 5G air interface in the field.
5G Phased Array Field Test Solution Benefits
FieldFox Microwave Analyzer Supports for
Over-the-Air Measurements for 5G
The key challenges for 5G network deployment are characterizing millimeter wave pathloss and coverage. 5G network technology uses beamforming and massive MIMO to achieve high data rates and the control channels are not always on. To measure the effective coverage, FieldFox 5G NR OTA can measure and display control channel power, physical cell identifier, SSB index and channel signal qualities to gain insight into network utilization and capacity.
Since 5G control channels are based on beamforming technology, and are not always on, this can make it challenging to determine the location of the 5G signal. Switching into RTSA mode on FieldFox can quickly and reliably detect 5G signals, detect control channels and provide insights to beamforming performance.
Carry Precision with You
Every piece of gear in your field kit had to prove its worth. Measuring up and earning a spot is the driving idea behind Keysight’s FieldFox analyzers. They’re equipped to handle routine maintenance, in-depth troubleshooting and anything in between. Better yet, FieldFox delivers precise microwave and millimeter-wave measurements- wherever you need to go. Add FieldFox to your kit and carry precision with you.
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