Techniques for Higher Accuracy Optical Measurements

Application Notes

The worldwide demand for higher digital data throughput continues to rapidly increase, driven by video on demand, more internet services and expanded enterprise-to-enterprise communications. As a result, service providers are challenged to provide greater bandwidth but often within the existing optical infrastructure, thus encouraging development of higher data rates and multiplexing techniques. Where 10Gb/s signals were once viewed as leading-edge and challenging for designers and manufacturers, now R&D engineers are faced with developing technology at 100 Gb/s, which is often being implemented in 4 lanes of 25 Gb/s each in single-mode fiber.

Fibre Channel is one of the leading technologies that push multimode fiber to higher rates. The photo detectors used for multimode are larger and have higher capacitance, which limits the usable upper bandwidths. This drives the continuing need for reference receivers that assure the transceivers provide the cleanest eye possible when operating over longer links with slimmer margins.