How to Design a Stable RF Power Amplifier

EDA Software
+ EDA Software

Designing a stable high-frequency RF power amplifier

Designing a stable high-frequency RF power amplifier (PA) requires integrating proven stability analysis techniques such as K-factor, loop gain techniques, driving point admittance, active / passive bifurcation, and normalized determinant function (NDF), all within a single simulation. The simulation needs to incorporate inline probes for stimulus and response while retaining accuracy in feedback systems. The dual probe improves stability metrics in one simulation by applying the same function repeatedly without disturbing the normal behavior of the circuit under analysis or altering the fundamental analysis.

After the PA design engineer establishes the test bench and stimulus condition, these setups can be reusable for linear, nonlinear, small-signal, and large-signal loading conditions. Combining multiple testing techniques into a single simulation is key to achieving desired stability metrics without multiple setups. Instead of a brute-force sweep, use a virtual load pull technique within the simulation to check the stability of power amplifiers in response to varying external impedances connected at the source and load.

Stability analysis for PA design in ADS

High-frequency power amplifier design solution

Designing a stable high-frequency RF power amplifier requires a simulation solution that integrates multiple proven stability analysis techniques. Keysight EDA Advanced Design System (ADS) provides Winslow probes (WSProbes), a non-perturbative dual stimulus probing algorithm, enabling 14 distinctive stability analysis techniques for your design. With one single simulation, the user can examine multiple stability metrics to detect instability issues that might go unnoticed with physical probing. Moreover, ADS allows for rapid optimization through the virtual load pull function.

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